Protech Design Limited is your Specialist Commercial Fire Protection Consultants.
Get In Early
Protech like to be involved early in the design phase of a building to ensure the advantages of fire protection can be realised (lower fire ratings for example) and the specific needs can be met (building height, space for valve / pump rooms, hydrant outlets, panel locations etc).
Team Effort
Protech work with the design team including the client architects, structural engineers, services consultants and the fire engineer to ensure a coordinated workable design that meets the clients needs.
The drawings and design parameters are submitted to the certifier for design approval to give confidence and peace of mind.
Tender & Consent Package
To get pricing from tenderers that enables an 'apple for apples' comparison, drawings and specifications are detailed including complying sprinkler layout, sprinkler types, pipe sizes, valve locations. This level of detail also enables tenderers to provide competitive pricing that does not have to allow for what the would otherwise not know from a generic specification.
Tender Review
Protech provide review of the tender submissions received for technical items and clarifications.
Shop Drawings
CAD Drawings are provided readily and free of charge to the successful tenderer to reduce their design time. They just need to detail dimensions, verify on site, fabricate and install.
Construction Observation
- Protech are on hand to provide advice and resolve issues during construction.
- They will review any variations and advise on the justification and costings.
- They will also carry out inspections to ensure not just the standards are being met, but also the customer's requirements which is not covered by other required inspections.
- Producer statements required by councils can also be provided.
- Protech take their role to seriously to deliver system designs that are efficient, practical, compliant and meet the customers needs.